Non Scholastic Activities

Non Scholastic Activities

Non-scholastic activities like Yoga, Music, Dance, Sports, and other activities molds the wholesome personality in students. The complete set of Non-Scholastic activities is designed to awaken cultural awareness and the development of the aesthetic senses. The students are encouraged to participate in various inter-school/inter-district/inter-state competitions such as debates, elocution contests, quiz, dance, dramatics, art etc.

Excursions and Expeditions
Excursions and expeditions unfold layers of cherishing experiences. Memories of school trips of the formative years remain deeply embossed in the minds of the students as well as teachers. Taking students into a new environment gives them the experience of traveling in a group and teaches them to be respectful of the locations they visit. International, adventure or educational trips, all our excursions are meticulously planned to keep in mind the interests and the development of the scholars.



Project Based Learning
The present era calls for thinking ‘outside the box’. How can we expect our inquisitive generation to follow the same if we ourselves put them in one? It is a herculean task to develop independent and divergent thinkers inside the walls of a classroom with the same, obsolete education forms which have been followed for years. Thus, we stress on the ‘Project-based learning’ wherein the students learn through the development of hands-on, minds-on and research-based disposition towards teaching and learning. The ‘project-based learning’ activities, true to life excavations, educational visits are a few examples of the many strategies taken up by us for the same. This fosters deep understanding which in turn ensures long term retention.


Community Service
“The best way to find yourself is to lose yourself in the service of others.” – Mahatma Gandhi

Community service is the foundation of societies and cultures. It is the heart of the human experience of human relations. We, as mentors ensure to stress on the importance of selfless endeavors which foster a sense of responsibility as members of the society. We inspire the young adults to follow the mantra of “be the change you wish to see in the world.” As responsible citizens, students must develop character and integrity through voluntary actions to help the community with magnanimity.